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Feeling lost? Here's your guide to a fitter you in 2022

One of the primary reasons people don't succeed on their fitness journey is they lack a plan. With the intention of helping as many people avoid failure this year, I wanted to give you all a very simple, easy to follow guide to start getting fitter in 2022.

Let's start...

No matter which electronic device you are reading this I want you to copy and paste this schedule into your note taking app right now, this is where we are starting (once completed, return to the article and scroll past the template):

Fitness Schedule



Outside/At Home/At Gym





Outside/At Home/At Gym





Outside/At Home/At Gym





Outside/At Home/At Gym





Outside/At Home/At Gym





Outside/At Home/At Gym





Outside/At Home/At Gym



How to fill out this template:

  1. Assess your work/life schedule and find 3 times during the week you can get outside, 2 times you can complete a strength workout and 1 time you can complete a workout at home. (You can overlap your outdoors activity with your workouts if that suits your schedule better). The key here is to be realistic with yourself. One study found that 35% of people failed their resolutions because they were unrealistic, you don't want to fall into that category. You'll notice the schedule details at what point during the day you will complete this activity, this is a very important aspect and you should aim to be as strict as possible with not deviating from your set activity time. The more specific you can be, the better. So if you can note down an exact time, even better.

  2. Your schedule should now be taking shape and you know on which day you are doing what and at what time. Now we need to choose how long we are working out for each day, this is very schedule dependent but I suggest across the week allowing for roughly 2 hours of strength workouts, 2 hours of intentional outdoor activity and an at home workout between 30-60 minutes. Fill out these details for each day on your schedule.

  3. That's the easy bit done and you now have the when and the where but you're missing the full 'what'. Yes, you know you're 'going outside', 'strength training' or doing a 'home workout' but what does that exactly constitute? 'Going outside' - this one is really as simple as it sounds. Pick any form of exercise that can be done outside: walking, cycling, running, a sport. You'll notice most of these are somewhat more cardiovascularly challenging, this is intentional to give you the best chance at creating a more complete fitness plan. 'Home workout' - again, a relatively simple concept to understand. It's grand popularisation in 2020 saw the emergence of some fantastic resources from some great trainers and, for the most part, for free! So simply load up YouTube and type in '[chosen duration] home workout' and you'll be faced with hundreds of options. Don't be afraid to look around at different trainers until you find the types of workouts you really enjoy. 'Strength workout' - this is probably where most peoples lack of fitness based knowledge may throw a spanner in the works. This one is a little more complex but fear not, it's not as intimidating as it sounds. I'll lay up 3 options for you: a) join a local group training class that works on strength training, b) google 2 day per week strength training programme and use a free resource online or c) email me ( ) with the words 'STRONG 2022' in the subject line and I will write you a personalised strength training programme for free. (psst I recommend option c...)

There you have it, your schedule is set to smash your fitness goals in 2022 and I wish you the best of luck with your journey. If you have any questions about the template or want that free strength training programme, please do not hesitate to email at

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